Getting Started
You want to make PURE. You’re going to have to make Protein Mix, which contains the thirty-six (36) proteins in the PURE system. To make Protein Mix, you will need to:
- Prepare buffers and gravity columns.
- Grow cultures of E. coli expression strains for each protein.
- Lyse each culture and purify target proteins by Ni2+ affinity column.
- Measure the concentration and purity of each protein.
- Combine proteins into a final Protein Mix.
This protocol shows you how to do each of these five (5) steps.
For more details, or if you want to look at specific subprotocols, see Make Protein Mix - Subprotocols.
Materials and Equipment
Step 1: Prepare Materials
Prepare stock buffers and media.
Make or buy the following stock solutions. Use Ultrapure water (18.2 MOhm, e.g., Milli-Q).
Reagent | MW (g/mol) | Mass (g) | Final Volume (mL) | Storage | Adjust pH? | Sterilize? |
Stock Solutions | ||||||
Potassium Hydroxide (1 M) | 56.11 | 14.0 | 250 | 4C to 30C | no | no |
HEPES-KOH (1 M, pH 7.6) | 238.3 | 59.5 | 250 | 4C to 30C; dark | yes | no |
Imidazole-HCl (1 M, pH 7.6) | 68.08 | 34.0 | 500 | 4C to 30C; dark | yes | no |
Ammonium Chloride (1 M) | 53.49 | 13.4 | 250 | 4C to 30C | no | no |
Sodium Chloride (5 M) | 58.44 | 73.1 | 250 | 4C to 30C | no | no |
Potassium Chloride (1 M) | 74.55 | 18.6 | 250 | 4C to 30C | no | no |
Magnesium Chloride (1 M) | 203.3 | 20.3 | 100 | 4C to 30C | no | no |
Lysozyme (30 mg/mL) | 14320 | 1 | 33 | -25C to -15C | no | no |
Media | ||||||
LB | n/a | 25 | 1000 | 4C to 30C | autoclave OR filter (0.22 um) | |
IPTG (500 mM) | 238.3 | 1 | 4.2 | -25C to -15C | no | filter (0.22 um) |
Kanamycin (50 mg/mL) | 484.5 | 2.5 | 50 | -25C to -15C | no | filter (0.22 um) |
Prepare stable buffers and concentrates.
Make the following buffers in advance and store at 4C. Add all components except TCEP, which you MUST add fresh the day of use.
P1 Wash Buffer - used to equilibrate columns and wash samples. P1 Wash Buffer contains a small amount of Imidazole (20 mM) to reduce nonspecific protein binding to columns, which improves the purity of your protein prep.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) | Stock Concentration (mM) | Volume to Add (mL) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 50 | 1000 | 100 |
Ammonium Chloride | 100 | 1000 | 200 |
Sodium Chloride | 500 | 5000 | 200 |
Magnesium Chloride | 10 | 1000 | 20 |
Imidazole-HCl | 20 | 1000 | 40 |
TCEP | 1 | 500 | 4 |
Ultrapure water | 1436 | ||
Total | 2000 |
P2 Elution Buffer - used to elute proteins from Ni columns by introducing a large amount of Imidazole (500 mM) that competes with polyhistidine purification tags to bind the column.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) | Stock Concentration (mM) | Volume to Add (mL) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 50 | 1000 | 12.5 |
Ammonium Chloride | 100 | 1000 | 25 |
Sodium Chloride | 500 | 5000 | 25 |
Magnesium Chloride | 10 | 1000 | 2.5 |
Imidazole-HCl | 500 | 1000 | 125 |
TCEP | 1 | 500 | 0.5 |
Ultrapure water | 59.5 | ||
Total | 250 |
4x P3 Concentrate - used to prepare P3 Exchange and P3 Storage Supplement later.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) | Stock Concentration (mM) | Volume to Add (mL) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 200 | 1000 | 100 |
Potassium Chloride | 400 | 1000 | 200 |
Magnesium Chloride | 40 | 1000 | 20 |
Ultrapure water | 180 | ||
Total | 500 |
Prepare Working Buffers (day of)
Lysis Buffer - used to resuspend bacterial pellets for lysis. Also enzymatically lyses cells with lysozyme (G. gallus). Contains protease inhibitor (cOmplete) to slow proteolysis.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) | Stock Concentration (mM) | Volume to Add (mL) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 50 | 1000 | 5 |
Ammonium Chloride | 100 | 1000 | 10 |
Sodium Chloride | 500 | 5000 | 10 |
Magnesium Chloride | 10 | 1000 | 1 |
Lysozyme | 0.3 mg / mL | 30 mg / mL | 1 |
cOmplete Protease Inhibitor | 1 tablet / 50 mL | n/a | 2 tablets |
TCEP | 1 | 500 | 0.2 |
Ultrapure water | 72.8 | ||
Total | 100 |
P3 Exchange Buffer - used to remove Na+ and Imidazole from proteins. Filter with a 0.22 um vacuum filter.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 50 |
Potassium Chloride | 100 |
Magnesium Chloride | 10 |
TCEP | 1 |
Reagent | Volume to Add (mL) |
4x P3 Concentrate | 125 |
TCEP | 1 |
Ultrapure water | 374 |
Total | 500 |
P3 Storage Supplement - added to samples in P3 Exchange Buffer as a cryoprotectant for storage at -80C. Filter P3 Storage Supplement with a 0.22 um syringe filter. To use, add an equal volume of P3 Storage Supplement to samples in P3 Exchange Buffer (1:1). P3 Exchange Buffer supplemented with P3 Storage Supplement is called “P3 Storage Buffer”.
Reagent | Final Concentration (mM) |
HEPES-KOH (pH 7.6) | 50 |
Potassium Chloride | 100 |
Magnesium Chloride | 10 |
TCEP | 1 |
Glycerol | 60% (v/v) |
Reagent | Volume to Add (mL) |
4x P3 Concentrate | 2.5 |
Glycerol | 6.0 |
TCEP (0.5 M) | 0.020 |
Ultrapure water | 1.48 |
Total | 10 |
Prepare Columns.
Assemble columns.
Cut tips off of columns off using scissors or a razor blade.
Pack a filter into the bottom of the column (we use the back end of a cell spreader).
Wash empty columns.
Clamp columns to a lab stand and put a large beaker (≥ 500 mL) underneath to capture flowthrough.
Wash columns and filters with 10 mL Ultrapure water.
Load and Equilibrate Ni2+ affinity Resin into columns
Resuspend Ni2+ resin (50% v/v suspension) by shaking.
Add 2 mL resin by pipette to each column.
Equilibrate columns with 10 CV of cold P1 Wash Buffer (4C) and discard flowthrough.
Store Columns.
Seal each column with a cap and bung.
Store columns at 4C for up to 48 hrs.
Step 2: Express Proteins in E. coli
Prep overnight cultures.
Add 5 mL LB + Kanamycin (50 ug / mL) to 15 mL culture tubes and label.
Innoculate your tubes with your expression strain working stock using a pipette tip.
Incubate cultures overnight at 37C / 225 rpm for between 12 hrs and 16 hrs.
Perform bulk outgrowth.
Back dilute overnight cultures 1:1000 into fresh media (e.g., add 100 uL of overnight and 100 mL LB with Kanamycin to 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks).
Incubate back diluted cultures at 37C / 225 rpm / to mid-log phase (OD600 between 0.4 and 0.6 ~ 3.5 hrs).
Induce protein expression.
At mid-log phase, induce your cultures with IPTG to 500 uM (e.g., add 100 uL of IPTG (0.5M) to a 100 mL culture).
Incubate induced cultures at 37C / 225 rpm / 4 hr to allow cells to express proteins.
Centrifuge cells and freeze pellets.
While incubating your induced cultures, pre-chill your centrifuge and rotor to 4C.
Harvest your cultures by centrifuging at 3200 rcf / 4C / 30 min.
Decant supernatant and reserve pellets.
Weigh pellets to calculate your biomass yield (gDCM / L).
Store pellets at -80C and allow to freeze (at least overnight)
Step 3: Purify Proteins from E. coli
Lyse cells by sonication.
Prepare centrifuge and Lysis Buffer.
Pre-chill your centrifuge and Lysis Buffer to 4C.
Finish Lysis Buffer with TCEP (0.5M) (e.g., add 500 uL TCEP to 1 L Lysis Buffer).
Resuspend pellets in cold Lysis Buffer.
Thaw bacterial pellets on ice.
Weigh 1 g dry cell mass per pellet.
Resuspend 1 g pellets in 10 mL Lysis Buffer by vortexing.
Lyse cells by sonication.
Program your sonicator. We recommend 50% amplitude, 10s on / 10s off.
Place resuspended samples under the sonicator horn in an ice bucket on a lab jack.
Adjust your sample height using the sample jack until each sonicator tip is submerged by about one quarter (1/4) of the sample height (e.g., 2.5 mL into a 10 mL sample).
Lyse cells by sonication. Deliver 4.5 kJ for every 10 mL sample (e.g., a four-pronged sonicator horn lysing 4x 10 mL samples → 18 kJ).
Clarify lysates by centrifugation and filtration.
Centrifuge lysates at 4 krcf / 4C / 45 min.
(Meanwhile) for each lysate, assemble a 10 mL Luer lock syringe and 0.22 um syringe filter.
Carefully decant each supernatant into a syringe and filter into a fresh 15 mL centrifuge tube. Keep clarified lysate cold (4C).
Purify proteins by Ni2+ affinity column.
Wash each column with 5 CV of Ultrapure water. For this protocol, we will assume you are using a 2 mL resin bed.
Equilibrate each column with ≥ 5 CV (10 mL) cold P1 buffer.
Load up to 5 CV (10 mL) clarified lysate per column. (Optionally) capture flowthrough for later analysis (see
Pierce660 Assay and
Protein Gel).
Wash column with ≥ 5 CV (10 mL) cold P1 buffer. Allow buffer to flow through. (Optionally) capture flowthrough for later analysis; see
Pierce660 Assay and
Protein Gel.
Elute sample with 3 CV (6 mL) cold P2 buffer. Capture flow through in 15 mL centrifuge tube.
Buffer exchange proteins into P3 Exchange Buffer.
Here, use P3 Exchange Buffer as your new buffer.
Dilute your sample ~10x with your new buffer (e.g., add 54 mL P3 Exchange Buffer to 6 mL eluted protein).
Load your sample onto a centrifugal filter column.
Centrifuge samples at either 4000 rcf (4 mL or 15 mL filters) or 14 000 rcf (0.5 mL filters) at 4C until you’ve reached your target volume. Check on your sample volume in the first 10 min, then again as needed.
Continue to dilute and spin your sample, noting your sample volume and dilution volume at each step, until you’ve reached your target dilution factor (we recommend ≥ 300x).
Store columns for later use.
Wash columns by loading with ddH2O and spinning.
Load columns with EtOH 20% (v/v) and store at room temp.
Store proteins until ready for use.
Visually estimate the total volume of protein, or measure by reverse-pipette.
Add an equal volume of P3 Storage Supplement to each protein sample (e.g., 100 uL P3 Storage Supplement to 100 uL EF-Tu in P3 Exchange Buffer).
Mix gently by pipetting.
Store frozen at -80C until ready for use.
Step 4: Measure Protein Yield and Purity
Measure your protein concentration by Pierce660 Assay.
Prepare a standard curve within the assay’s working range (125 ug / mL to 2000 ug / mL). Remember to dilute the BSA stock in the same buffer used for your sample. The standards can be stored at -20C for future assays.
Concentration | Volume of BSA Stock (2 mg/mL) | Volume of Buffer |
2 mg/mL | 200 uL | 0 uL |
1.5 mg/mL | 150 uL | 50 uL |
1 mg/mL | 100 uL | 100 uL |
0.75 mg/mL | 75 uL | 125 uL |
0.50 mg/mL | 50 uL | 150 uL |
0.25 mg/mL | 25 uL | 175 uL |
0.125 mg/mL | 12.5 uL | 187.5 uL |
0 mg/mL | 0 | 200 uL |
Prepare a dilution series of your samples in the same buffer.
Mix Pierce660 Reagent well by inverting the bottle before use.
Array 150 uL of Pierce660 Reagent on a 96-well optical plate.
Add 10 uL of each sample (BSA standard series and sample concentration series) column-wise (e.g., BSA standard in Column 12, Sample 1 series in column 1, …) to the optical plate.
Cover your plate with aluminum foil and mix on a plate shaker at medium speed for 1 minute.
Incubate your plate at 25C / 5 min. Samples should turn from brown to green.
Using a plate reader, measure the absorbance of the samples at 660 nm.
Analyze results.
Subtract the absorbance of blank samples (i.e., BSA standard = 0 mg / uL) from all other samples (”background subtracted absorbance”).
Plot the standard curve by plotting the background subtracted absorbance vs. concentration for each BSA standard. Fit a line to your standard curve.
For each sample dilution series, choose a well with a background subtracted absorbance in the linear range of the standard curve.
Using the linear fit of your standard curve, calculate the concentration of the sample.
Measure protein purity by protein gel.
Denature samples.
Label one tube per sample.
Add 4 uL of 4x sample buffer and 16 uL of sample (~0.1-0.2 ug / uL) per tube. Mix by pipetting.
Incubate samples at 90C / 10 min.
Set up a gel box.
Open an individually wrapped protein gel (we use 10% - 20% Tris Gly gels).
Remove plastic tape at the bottom of gel. This exposes a strip of the gel to the running buffer, allowing current to flow from one electrode through the gel to the other electrode.
Place gel in gel box and seal tightly. Check the seal by pouring running buffer (we use Tris Gly) into the front half of the reservoir and checking that no buffer leaks into the back half. If so, remove the gel, empty the reservoir and try again.
Pour running buffer into the back half of the reservoir.
Carefully, remove comb from top of gel.
Load 10 uL protein ladder onto the outermost lanes.
Load each sample onto its own lane. Target between 1-2 ug purified protein and between 10 uL and 20 uL per lane.
Run the gel at 200 V / 40-50 min, or until the dye front touches the bottom of the gel.
Stain and destain the gel.
Using a gel knife, crack open the plastic cassette holding the gel.
Remove the gel carefully into a waterproof container. We find this is easier if you cover the bottom of your container with Ultrapure water (≥ 3 mm).
Cover the gel with Ultrapure water (~40 mL), microwave for 30 seconds, and rock for 5 minutes. Decant and repeat this step twice, washing a total of three (3) times.
Cover gel in a rapid protein stain (~40 mL) in the same container. We use PageBlue Protein Staining Solution. Microwave for 30 seconds, then incubate at room temperature with rocking for ~30 minutes.
Decant staining solution, rinse gel at least once, then cover in Ultrapure water. Incubate gel at room temperature with rocking until you can see distinct protein bands (up to overnight).
Observe gel. High purity protein preps should have distinct bands at the correct molecular weight, with no unexpected additional bands.
Step 5: Assemble Protein Mix
Read the following Google Sheet template and follow its directions to assemble your Protein Mix.
Input the following information into blue colored cells:
Desired number of 10 uL PURE reactions
Protein stock concentrations
Protein stock volumes
Check the “Checklist” section to see if any cells are highlighted yellow. If so, follow the directions next to the highlighted cell.
Concentrate Protein Mix to the Target Final Volume (~ 12.25 mg / mL) using a 3kDa Amicon Centrifugal Filter.
Measure the total protein concentration of your Protein Mix:
Create 10x dilutions of Protein Mix (1 uL in 9 uL Ultrapure water) in triplicate.
Perform a
Pierce660 Assay on your diluted Protein Mix samples.
Calculate the total protein concentration of your diluted Protein Mix samples. Average the values of each triplicate and multiply by 10 to estimate the total protein concentration of your Protein Mix.
Dilute your Protein Mix to 12.25 mg / mL in P3 Storage Buffer (30% glycerol). If the concentration of your Protein Mix is less than 12.25 mg / mL, repeat the last two steps (concentrate your mix, then measure using Pierce660)
Aliquot your Protein Mix (12 uL + 1 uL of head room per tube) into PCR tubes or microcentrifuge tubes and store -80C.
Prepare buffers, media, and columns for purification:
Prepare Columns and
Make Protein Purification Buffers and Media
Express proteins for purification:
Grow and Induce Expression Strains
Prepare clarified lysate from cell pellets for purification:
Lyse Bacteria by Sonication
Purify proteins from clarified lysate:
Purify Proteins by Ni2+ Gravity Column
Get your purified proteins in the right buffer at the right concentration:
Exchange Buffers and Concentrate by Spin Filtration
Measure the yield and purity of your proteins:
Protein Gel and
Pierce660 Assay
Assemble Protein Mix from purified proteins:
Assemble Protein Mix
Resources and References
- Papers
- Original PURE paper
- OnePot PURE
Yan Zhang, Zoila Jurado, and Miki Yun (Richard Murray Lab, Caltech)
- Developers