Getting Started
You have a fluorescent sample. You want to measure it’s fluorescence (possibly over time). You may want to heat your sample while doing so. Here, we show you how to read green fluorescence (e.g., plamGFP) while incubating your sample (e.g., 37C)
Materials and Equipment
(Optionally) prewarm plate reader to appropriate temperature (we used 37C).
Load between 10 uL and 50 uL of each sample onto a 384-well plate.
Seal plate with optically clear plate seals.
Set your plate reader settings. Here are example settings for measuring green fluorescence in a time series).
Excitation: 485 nm OR blue laser setting.
Emission: 515 nm OR green filter setting (generally between 500 nm and 550 nm).
Time between reads: 5 min.
Total number of reads: 100 (or 500 min / 8.3 hrs)
Run experiment!
Resources and References
Yan Zhang, Zoila Jurado, and Miki Yun (Richard Murray Lab, Caltech)
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