Below is the documentation necessary to introduce “Hello, world” PURE Liposomes to new cell builders in a two-day workshop format. If you are interested in running such a workshop or if there are questions or comments regarding the materials, please reach out to
Schedule - Nucleus liposome workshop - v0.1.0-1.pdf55.7KB
BOM - Nucleus liposome workshop - v0.1.0-1.pdf67.2KB
Protocol - Nucleus Hello World Liposomes Protocol v0.1.1-2.pdf125.7KB
Liposomes 101 - Nucleus liposome workshop - v0.1.0-1.pptx177163.8KB
Liposomes 101 - Nucleus liposome workshop - v0.1.0-1.pdf38171.9KB
🛑 Syncell 101 - Nucleus liposome workshop - v0.1.0-1 [Forthcoming]